When a person hits the age in which they are considered to be a senior citizen, there are several changes in which they are going to experience. One of the most challenging changes to understand is their health insurance. Most senior citizens are going to be enrolled into Medicare. Medicare is a government funded health program that is for those who are 65 years or older, or who have met a certain set of requirements if they are younger. This is funded by the taxes that workers pay into throughout the US.

Parts of Medicare including Hospital care, prescription drug benefits, and medical insurance

Every year it seems that something changes with Medicare that causes worry and concern among senior citizens. In order to better understand what you have, you need to look at the four main parts that make up the Medicare Program. These are:

  • Part A: Hospital Insurance
  • Part B: Supplementary Medical Insurance
  • Part C: Medicare Advantage Program
  • Part D: Drug Prescriptions
A pen laying next to a Medicare enrollment form

The Hospital Insurance is meant to cover hospital stays, having a home health nurse come to your home or any other health related coverage that is deemed necessary by your medical professional. The Supplementary Medical Insurance coverage is meant to cover doctor expenses and other health care that is not related to a hospital visit, such as routine doctor visits for well check ups or when a person has a problem. When a person enrolls in Medicare, Part A is what they will get free of charge. Thus, at any time a senior citizen will have access to a hospital to receive care. However, Part B is going to involve paying a monthly fee in order to have access to this coverage, and it will require that the person pay a co-pay on doctor visits.

The Medicare Advantage is an optional plan that a person can enroll in. This is going to allow them to have more options in terms of doctors they can see in the private sector, something which may interest a person or not. Part D is more or less a prescription program that picks up the slack from the Part A and Part B of Medicare. Most prescriptions that a person will receive will be covered by Part A and Part B of their plan. However, for a small free, the person can enroll in Part D coverage to ensure that if they were to get a medication that is not covered that they do have funds that can help with the cost of this.

The word Medicare spelled in red blocks

It is important to note that there are limits on Part A that the person needs to be aware of. For example, the insurance will not cover hospital stays that are longer than 90 days. In addition, if a person were in a hospital for 90 days, the last month of this time frame would require the person pay a co-payment. It is also imperative to realize that Medicare does not cover any dental or eye issues a person may have. This is strictly a health care insurance.