When many people age, they start to get news that they need to change their diet or that they need to do something differently or they are greatly reducing the number of years that they have left. For many people they are told that they need to go on a gluten-free diet, which can be quite confusing for someone who has never heard of this. Gluten is basically an additive that is found in many foods and is often found naturally in foods such as breads and wheat. It can cause different problems for many people, and these problems are often all non-related, making many people wonder just what is wrong with them. Those who do believe that they have a gluten sensitivity or allergy will want to be proper diagnosed by a doctor to ensure that they would benefit from a gluten free diet. Oftentimes the diagnosis for someone with gluten intolerance is celiac disease which is the small intestine’s inability to handle gluten. The remedy for Celiac is eliminate gluten containing foods from your diet. This type of diet is not for everyone as it can be quite strict to adhere by for years to come. The following are a few basics to keep in mind when starting a gluten free diet.
- Be ready to devote the time this diet. This is not just a diet but a lifestyle change. Those who take on a gluten free diet are going to be changing their daily habits drastically in order to get to the point that they feel better and are healthier. This is why it is in the best interest of the person to talk with a doctor as this is a drastic move.
- Plan your meals well. You are going to find that you can no longer simply go around a drive thru to get something to eat as gluten is evident everywhere in fast food. Therefore, take the time to plan your meals in advance to ensure that you shop for everything that you need at once.
- Get the support of others. There are several support group’s for those who are changing to a gluten free diet that are there to help others get through this transition. Through getting involved with this support groups a person can greatly increase their chances of being able to learn more tips that can help them to adjust and also avoid some of the pitfalls that others have been through.
- Be careful when eating out, several restaurant are offering gluten-free products and dishes to choose from. Yet, you still have to be cautious that these products are not cooked with products containing gluten. In many cases, cross contamination can happen. This is going to require that you talk to the management and/or cook about their procedures to ensure that this is going to fit with your diet. However, keep in mind, most of those who go on a gluten free diet simply avoid eating out if at all possible.
Here is a table which lists some foods that would be considered “safe” to eat as they are completely gluten free. Also the tables lists foods that should be avoided:
Food List For Gluten Conscious Eaters
Safe To Eat As Gluten-Free | Foods That Should Be Avoided As They Likely Contain Gluten |
Eggs | Barley |
Beans | Rye |
Beef | Wheat |
Chicken | Beer |
Fish | Farina |
Fruits | Breads |
Vegetables | Cakes |
Most Dairy Products | Pies |
Buckwheat | Pasta |
Corn and Cornmeal | Soups |
Quinoa | Seasoned Rice |
If you have a medical need for taking on a reduced gluten diet then it is imperative that you seek out the help that is going to allow you to make this happen. However, if you are simply doing this as a lifestyle choice, you may find that it is best to ease into this type of diet.
If you are looking for specific examples of some good gluten-free options for snacks here are some options for you:
Carrots and hummus |
Peanut Butter or Almond Butter Spread on Celery |
Greek Yogurt With Berries |
Almonds and a Slice of Cheese |
Cheddar Cheese and an Apple |
What you will find is that pursuing a gluten free diet is potentially really good for you regardless of your age. If you are a senior citizen you might even find that taking on a diet of this style might actually make you feel like a million bucks!