Questions & Answers GraphicAs a man ages, it is important that he has an open dialogue with his doctor. However, many senior men are not asking the right questions when they are in the doctors office. This can lead to men not getting the right care and leaving their health up to chance. This is not something in which any man wants to do as they could have a serious problem that can be found if they would only ask the right questions. Asking questions that are going to impact your health is important, even if they may be slightly embarrassing for a man to ask. So what should a man ask his doctor?

1. When should I be screened for prostate cancer and how often should I be doing this?

There is no man out there who enjoys getting screened for prostate cancer. However, this type of cancer is one of the leading causes of pain and death in men that are over the age of fifty. Thus, it is important that you are being proactive and ensuring that your doctor is keeping you up to date with tests.

2. Are there certain supplements I should be taking now?

As you age, your body starts to lose some of the vitamins that it kept stored when you were younger. This question is important to ask since it could mean the difference of being tired and being energetic. Your doctor will more than likely look at your blood tests to confirm what you may need to take and give a suggestion as to what to take.

3. Is my diet good for my age?

Many men feel as though if they come back with a clean bill of health that they do not need to pay attention to what they eat. However, it is important to discuss your dietary habits with your doctor to determine if they are helping you or hurting you.

4. Is a certain physical activity okay for me to do?

Many men never ask if it is okay if they perform a certain physical task. They assume that if the doctor did not say not do to something that they are okay. However, your doctor may not realize that you are going to do a certain physical activity. When you get older, it is important to ask since it could cause problems to develop.

5. Ask anything about your self life that needs to be discussed.

This is probably one of the hardest things for men to talk about with their doctor, however, when your desire for sex decreases there could be an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. Therefore, if you are having problems in that area, tell your doctor and ask him or her what you can do in order to get it back.

Men are not known for asking questions, when it comes to their health care. However, the more informed a man is, the better he can prepare for life style changes or the like that can lead to a longer life.