Cancer seems to be something that just about everyone is worried about. No longer are there certain people being affected, it seems that everyone knows someone in their family who has dealt with or is currently dealing with cancer. For seniors, cancer is something that is life threatening and just the thought of dealing with this makes many seniors nervous. There are more studies coming out that are suggesting that what a person eats is going to affect their chances of developing cancer. Studies are noting several foods that are showing help in fighting cancer and ensuring a person stays cancer free.

Cloves of garlic

1. Garlic

For those who love Italian dishes, then they should know that they are doing their best right now to fight off cancer. Garlic is one of the main foods that researchers suggest people eat in order to avoid cancer. Studies have shown that those who eat one glove of garlic a day, or take garlic capsules are 30% less likely to get certain types of cancer. For women, garlic has been shown to fight off breast cancer dramatically.

Pomegranate with seeds

2. Pomegranate

Pomegranates come in many forms ranging from chocolate covered pomegranates to pomegranate juice. In studies, those who drink a glass of juice a day greatly decrease their chances of getting cancer. The ingredients in this juice has been shown to keep cancer cells from becoming active in the body.

Pumpkin Slice

3. Pumpkin

Those who eat just half a cup of pumpkin per day are going to find that they are greatly affecting their chances of getting cancer. Studies have shown that pumpkin fights off cancer cells rapidly when compared to other foods out there. Whether you eat this cooked in a pie or simply just eat the cooked pumpkin with a little sugar, you are going to get the nutrients that this offers.

When you are wanting to find a diet that is going to allow you stay cancer free, you will need to realize that nothing is completely 100% accurate. However, there are foods that are going to decrease your chances of having cancer. Always eat a diet that is rich with antioxidants that is found in many vegetables and fruits such as apples, broccoli, blueberries, and red cabbage. You will also want to ensure that you are getting the recommended amounts of vitamins in your diet through either the foods you eat or by taking daily vitamins. The idea is to keep your body enriched with the vitamins and antioxidants it needs in order to fight off cancer cells that may form within the body. The beauty of eating a diet rich in healthy and nutritious foods is that it can also help you control your cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other ailments.

It is also important that a person gets regular checkups to ensure that if cancer cells are found that these are kept a close eye on. The sooner that cancer is found and treatment is started, the higher the rate of beating this cancer. This means men should receive yearly prostate exams, while women should receive yearly breast exams to ensure there are no cancerous findings. An overall physical is going to be needed every year to also find any signs of change within the body. Eat right, exercise, and get regular checkups – this advice is solid when it comes to reducing your chance of contracting a deadly disease.