Female senior citizen volunteer helping at a poll boothWhen a person reaches the age of retirement and are considered a senior citizen, they may think that people expect them to stay at home and basically do nothing. However, this is the not the case as there are several volunteer experiences the person can go with. Many seniors do better knowing that they have something that they can do that is going to help them to help others. They are not content with simply staying at home and doing nothing. The problem is that most senior citizens are unsure of what they can volunteer to do, nor do they realize where they can find these opportunities.

How to Find Volunteer Opportunities

In order to find volunteer opportunities, you do not have to look very far as most companies that need volunteers are often advertising for these. Look online in your spare time and you will find tons of things that are available in your area. In addition, ask others what they do for volunteer work and you may find the perfect solution simply by asking around. Look in your local newspaper as well, as there are several companies that will have small ads looking for volunteers.

Ideas for Volunteering

Just because you are a senior citizen does not mean that you cannot volunteer your time. There are several positions that will be great for those who have life experience to bring to this position. One of these is tutoring at your local school. You will find that several students would greatly benefit from a little extra one on one time for studying or preparing for tests. This is something that you can do for a subject that you have an interest in, and the life experience you bring to the table may be what helps the student to learn the subject more quickly.

Senior citizen with the word "charity" on his black shirt

Mentoring a child in need is also a great opportunity and one that is filling as well. With this position you simply be there for a child, listen to their problems and help them to deal with whatever it is in their life that they are having problems with. Most schools have some sort of mentor program set up that they are willing to take volunteers for who pass the security background check to work within a school.

Volunteering at your local hospital can also be a rewarding experience. In this position you could be doing something as simple as answering phones and directing callers to where they need to be or delivering flowers to various rooms. However, you are helping those who are in the hospital and you will find that it is a great way to make someones day a bit brighter.

No matter what type of volunteering you do, you are going to find that this is something that can make you feel better about yourself, while also offering those in need something to look forward to. The opportunities are endless, you simply have to look for what is available within your area, and within your comfort level.