When people find themselves in dire financial situations, it can be helpful to consider applying for low-income housing. Low income housing can include a government-subsidized house or apartment, depending on what type of homes are available in the area where the person applies. Using the following guide, individuals can become familiar with low income housing and discover if this is a potential solution for their financial dilemma.

Housing Word Cloud

What Is Low Income Housing?

Low income housing was primarily instituted by the government agency, HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). A federal agency, HUD has offices in all 50 states and regularly works to help people in emergency situations locate adequate housing until their financial situations improve. While the basic guidelines for housing requirements are pretty standard, some states do differ in specific eligibility requirements.

Where Do the Resources Come From For Subsidized Housing?

HUD furnishes planning assistance, financial resources and development management tools to housing agencies in each state. The housing agencies are government agencies that are usually state-operated and funded. These agencies are in charge of managing low income apartment complexes and low income houses provided by independent landlords. If an independent landlord provides a house or duplex to rent under a low income housing contract, the government will make up the full payment in rent to off-set the subsidized rent paid by the tenant who is in a low-income housing agreement.

Who Is Qualified for Subsidized Housing?

Families and single people can become eligible for low income housing if they meet the income guidelines and other necessary requirements. The income guidelines can vary from state to state, but they typically require that a person have a poverty-level income. The reason the exact income amount can differ from state to state is because the cost of living and the poverty level is different for many different states.

People with disabilities and elderly people on fixed incomes may qualify for government-subsidized apartments or housing. Families with children under the age of 18 are also regularly-accepted applicants for low income housing if they meet income requirements. In many states, a qualified applicant is only allowed to have access to low income housing for a set amount of time. This time can be 5 years, 3 years or another specified term. Some states also require that a person who is physically able to work provide proof of legitimate job searching in order to maintain residence in a low income home subsidized by the government.

For rent sign in front of low income apartment house

What Are the Eligibility Requirements For Income Based Apartments?

In order to be approved for government-subsidized housing or apartments, individuals and families who are applying must meet the income requirements before any other requirement is considered. In some states, an income must be fifty percent less than the average income of citizens of the state. If a husband and wife are applying, all incomes must be submitted and verified. Child support, earned income, state assistance, disability, social security and any stocks and bonds are required to be submitted if the person receives any of these.

The following information must be submitted to a local housing agency by anyone who wants to apply for low income housing in their area:

Required Documentation To Qualify For An Income Based Apartment

1. Photo identification for all adults on the application. Social security cards for all adults and for all children. The relationship to the primary applicant and age of each member of the household must also be submitted and verified.
2. Current contact information that may include address, telephone number, email address and proof of residency.
3. Contact information for current and previous landlords or banks who held a mortgage on a home the applicant owned.
4. Proof of income for the past 12 months.
5. Estimated income for the upcoming 12 to 24 months. If any person voluntarily quit a job, this must be submitted as well.
6. Contact information for current banks or lending facilities where the applicant holds accounts.
7. Report of any criminal records or arrests. (This information does not mean a person will be denied housing)
8. Some states may make a current in-home visit if applicable to see if the applicants are responsible tenants who provide good upkeep and care for their homes.

Keep in mind that even after submitting the application and required paperwork, there is no guarantee that you will qualify. Often times the waiting lists for income based housing options far outweigh the available rental units.

Sign in front of an apartment advertising a move in special

Looking to the Future

Low income housing and income based apartments are meant to primarily be a temporary assistance for families and individuals who are in emergency situations. The availability of homes and apartments may limit the number of applicants who get approved. People who use low income housing often are given access to resources provided by housing agencies and other related government agencies that help them to get back to financial stability. These resources may include advanced educational opportunities, job hunting assistance and assistance with family development and financial counseling.

We hope this guide has helped you to understand more about subsidized and low income housing options that might be available to you.